LEAFS: e-Submission Overview
LEAFS generic configuration is installed locally in the District Attorney’s technology environment or hosted in a secure cloud such as Microsoft’s Azure Government. A LEAFS server is directly connected to the District Attorney’s Case Management System (CMS) in order to facilitate the direct exchange of data between the two systems.
Law enforcement agencies connect to the LEAFS server using a thin client or web browser over a secure connection (VPN) utilizing an encrypted protocol (HTTPS) with optional IP masking. A user will be provisioned with a user name and password for authentication purposes. Once successfully authenticated, law enforcement agency staff are able to create, update, and submit complaint data as well as upload supporting evidence in any electronic format. The data is validated against the District Attorney’s business rules (absence/presence of data, valid data types, etc.). Once submitted, case data and the supporting files are then available for District Attorney staff review.

LEAFS provides the ability to create customized reject reasons so that the Law Enforcement Agency has a clear understanding of what needs to be completed before the case can be accepted for filing. These notifications are sent directly to the reporting officer and/or the clerical staff member who entered the submission. This allows for immediate follow up by the police agency in order to facilitate timely filings. When the complaint is accepted, LEAFS can either push the data into the District Attorney’s CMS, or allow the data to be pulled. Regardless of the method of entry into the CMS, District Attorney staff no longer need to type the data from a paper document as it is already in an electronic format.
The current manual process of requesting a criminal complaint filing is cumbersome and contains many inherent points of failure, such as:
- Incompleteness
- Inaccuracy
- Inconsistency
- Poor Collaboration
- Incompleteness
LEAFS, on the other hand will reduce your costs, is more accurate, more efficient, much more greener and is optimized.
- 50% reduction in initial filing time
- Automatically provide updates to Law Enforcement Agencies on the status of their submissions
- No more lost files! Everything your Law Enforcement Agencies submit is stored securely
- Conforms to NIEM standards for the electronic exchange of data
- Reject a filing and LEAFS can automatically provide notice to the submitting agency and reporting officer with reasons and recommendations
- Full reporting capabilities. See how quickly complaints are being processed