- Interface with Master Data management
- Category Hierarchy
- Store Location
- Items
- Competitive
- Interface with Transactional Data
- Stock Level
- Item Placement
- BM Assortment
- WEB Placement
- Location (BM & Web)
- Price History
- Sales History
- Competitive price
- Industry Leader
- Geo-Market leader
- Category leader
- Set strategy simulation
- Strategy Template
- Market Penetration (new product or new market)
- Demand stimulation timely Low Price (Dow/1st few)
- Psychological Pricing (rounding, size and parity)
- Price or Loss Leader (well-known products)
- Elasticity and complementary products (chips & salsa)
- Captive products (COOS)
- Geo-location and market localization
- Forced Value Pricing (Extra stock or competitive pressure)
- Forced Premium Pricing (low stock or competitive pressure or branding or size)
- Promotion
- On Demand
- Pre-planned
- Advertised
- Seasonal items
- Pre and In season
- Out of season
- Pricing Rules
- Item Selection
- Item attributes
- Competitor attributes
- Price attributes
- Stock values
- Set Constraints
- Price over Cost
- Price change Frequency
- Price Parity, Flavor, Size, Brand (national/store)
- Price Basket
- Variable Calculation & Comparison
- Competitor
- Brands
- Parity, Flavor, Size, Brand
- Attributes
- Price Change
- Margin (Allowable, MSRP)
- Position competitor (2nd from top)
- Threshold pricing (allowable range or against history)
- Statistical (AVG, MAP, MCP…)
- Merge and Conflict Resolution
- Duplicate Strategies
- Sales Ranking
- Control/Limit Price
- Rounding (by channel)
- Parity (vs. another item)
- Size (vs. other size 16/32 oz)
- Basket (purchasing power)
- Against history, cost, MSFP
- Price Execution (number of price changes/week)
- Price Optimization
- Trigger / Conditional / set frequency Exectuion
- Group selection with newly created price
- Set optimization value (minimum, maximum)
- Set constraints value
- Forecasting & Elasticity
- Compare strategy execution
- Select optimal group
- Execute optimal strategy
- Conflict Management (pricing, availability, weather, events, promotion)
- Location & Market Price diffusion
- Non execution Control percentage (no price change)
- Promotional material
- Product placement (BM and Web)
- Item Selection
- Strategy Template

Used by:
- Manufacturing
- Wholesaler
- Retailers
- ECommerce