CityView360° by Agiline Software, is a comprehensive tool to collect, validate, transform, organize, present and act on information received from several data sources. CityView360° makes it easy to connect and visualize your information without code using aiWorks© rapid application development.
- Connect to Multiple Enterprise data sources
- On premise or On the cloud or External Repositories
- Using direct connect to Oracle, MS SQL or via API
- Different applications, technologies, locations
- Setup jobs
- Remote workflows: Remote server to push information to aiWorks
- aiWorks triggers: Monitoring data source and initiating integration
- Set frequency: aiWorks to pull information from data source via preset schedule
- Data Preparation (prior to integration)
- Data Filtering
- Table driven rule based data cleansing
- Consolidation and Aggregation
- Cross platform Data Dictionaries
- Time series
- Map series
- Key Indicators (ratios and derivatives)
- Automated discovery (density)
- Assisted interpretation
- Statistical calculation and Forecasting
- Secure online access
- Cross browser compatibility
- Real time reporting: filtering, sorting, charting, tracking
- Use preset templates or create your own
- Customized views pivots, charts, maps, key indicators
- Create triggers and notifications
- Associate actions with values or KPI
- Share views internally or publish online.
- Export to several popular formats (Excel, PDF…)